About MID

Japan Quality Safety

All MID Products
tested in Japan

Approximately 11 million aftermarket wheels are distributed annually in Japan. About 95% of these wheels are produced overseas, and they supports the low prices of wheels. But are those wheels really safe? In Japan, there is a system to certify the safety of aftermarket wheels based on the national wheel technical standards (JWL) and VIA registration based on verification testing by a third-party organization. However, we want to confirm safety, which is more important than anything else, with our own eyes once again. The only way to do this is to retest all products in a strict environment in Japan. This is the conclusion that Maruka Service and MID (Maruka Intelligent Desigh), a wheel supplier with a long track record in Japan, have reached in order to further strengthen safety. We protect our own safety.

Highest safety performance
for every wheel

Alloy wheels have a variety of appealing features. Changing the design or size of a wheel can effectively update your car to your preferred image, or you can enhance its performance by choosing a light weight wheel. Changing wheels, that perhaps the easiest and most free way for anyone to express their personalization. However, safety is an absolute prerequisite for any wheel choice. Design and performance are subjective, but safety cannot be "not so necessary". Safety is the only responsibility entrusted to the wheel. That is why MID puts safety first. Design, manufacturing process, and quality control. The final test is conducted in Japan, by our own hands, to ensure that all of our products are of the world-renowned "Japanese quality safety". MID's product lineup includes wheels of various characters to suit a wide variety of car models and styles, so you can choose the wheel of your choice with confidence. There is no exception to the rule, because the invisible value of Safety.

In-house testing to ensure
Japanese quality

Ensures quality of mass-produced
products and performance as designed

MID conducts production certification testing and quality verification testing. We believe that this is an indispensable requirement for achieving Japanese quality. There are only a few companies in Japan that conduct their own strength testing, and by conducting our own testing at 10% to 20% higher than the VIA recommended standard, we are able to ensure the safety of our products, allowing our customers to use them with confidence. MID regularly conducts spot checks on mass-produced products after they are distributed to the market to ensure that there are no quality issues and that the products are performing as designed.

Process Flow of
AlloyWheel Development

Aluminum wheels are used in various situations, such as for dress-up and sports driving, and are available in a wide variety of colors and designs. Maruka Service considers wheels as "important safety parts" first and foremost, and develops products that provide double and triple safety and peace of mind.

Experience in predicting the unseen

In the design/development process, our engineers in our in-house development department determine the optimum cross-sectional area and stress values for each wheel shape and specification to ensure optimum strength. In addition, we use the knowledge of our experienced engineers to predict areas that cannot be expressed numerically and apply margins appropriate to the shape, and we take the time to thoroughly check and enhance safety.

Adaptation to design
and technology

Quick adaptation to trends

The evolution of automobile technology, such as electrification and automated driving, is rapidly advancing, and it is said that this is a once-in-a-century period of change. MID Wheels is quick to respond to such changes, providing wheels with specifications appropriate for next-generation automobiles, designs that match the latest trends, and wheels that suit various lifestyles. This is the answer of MID, "MARUKA INTELLIGENT DESIGN" to provide the enjoyment of customizing cars for the next 100 years, as it has done since its establishment in 1961.

Designed with safety in mind

Japan's top industrial designers specializing in wheels have designed the wheels with various conditions in mind, such as spoke shapes, cross-sectional configurations, and the formative approach around the holes, in consideration of safety and security. The designers not only pursue design trends and ideal shapes, but also consider safety and design a wheel that is feasible.

Inquiry about our products

Hours: 9:00-18:00 (except Sundays and holidays)
